About the Journal

Jurnal Bakti Nusantara Linggau (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) is an OJS journal that accommodates written works related to community service. The Bakti Nusantara Linggau Journal does not only focus on dedication in the field of education but all the clumps of knowledge that produce community service works. The clusters of knowledge in the Bakti Nusantara Linggau journal include Education, Religion, Economics, Health, Social, Existence, Politics, Law, Agriculture and other scientific clusters that produce community service works. The Bakti Nusantara Linggau Journal will make it easier for writers to protect the writings of writers in the field of community service. Bakti Nusantara Linggau is published twice a year, namely June and December.

E-ISSN : 2798-2416

P-ISSN: 2798-2424